Duck Necks, Beef Heart, Turkey Gizzard, Beef, Beef Liver, Mackerel, Beef Kidney and Spleen
- Humanely - raised Turkey with no antibiotics or hormones ever
- Humanely- raised Duck with no antibiotics or hormones ever
Based on the 80/10/10 model but with our own ratios to get as balanced as possible
- Using just meat, bone and organs.
- Wild Caught Sustainable Norwegian Mackerel
- Now made in a USDA inspected facility instead of in house with CDFA
- Finely ground, meat and organs ran through once to give texture
Traditional Chinese Medicine
We wanted to create a blend that had variety including a rich omega fish that is safe to mix with other meat. A lot of fish contain an enzyme called thiaminase which essentially depletes the food in vitamin B1, so we kept this in mind when formulating the blends with fish. Luna’s Signature blend is a neutral to cooling blend according to TCM. Mackerel and duck have cooling effects on the body while turkey and beef keep the body in a balanced state. This blend is one you will want to ease into for puppies or dogs just starting out on raw because of its rich nature and omegas from the mackerel. It is a pup favorite and a blend you definitely want to work into your rotation.